Selasa, 14 Januari 2014

I'm back to JPOP, but..

I'm back as a jpoper.
Back then in high school, eh I mean junior high school, I was so into Jpop like YUI, Stereopony, Do As Infinity, SCANDAL, and Johnny's boyband such as NEWS, KAT-TUN, Arashi. Kyaa Yamapi kyaaaa. hahahaha. But then, in senior high school, I was so into Suju. I dont know what change me back then but I forgot about my dearest Yamapi kun back then when I was into Suju. Poor Yamapi chaaan. lololol

And now, I'm back as a jpoper.
I started listening to YUI, SCANDAL, Stereopony and Do As Infinity again.
I've just realized that..


"Pop rock band Stereopony has announced that they will disbanding.
Earlier in August, the band went through a "recharge period" after AIMI (Vo) received surgery for vocal cord polyps. While she was recovering, SHIHO (Dr) and NOHANA (B) went abroad to study music. When the girls got together again, they talked about their future plans and ultimately decided to disband."


WTH is this that I just realized this!!!
Stereopony disband! Nohana and Shiho get in to a new band named EVANPONY, but.. where is AIMI?? I really loves her vocal. T___T

and the shocking news wont end just like that..
check this news below too


oh no!!
but well, she comes back!!
but... look at this picture below

is that YUI?????
yes it is, but..... she comes back as yui (not YUI) the vocalist of a rock band named FLOWER FLOWER.
Okay, I got somekind of mental breakdown!
Well, I try listening to FLOWER FLOWER songs titled Takaramono, it sounds good (because yui sang it) but I feel that it's not the music YUI used to to. And I can't help feeling dissappointed. huhuuullll.
But afterall, it's still her voice, so I love her and I'll stay as her fan. :D

The happy thing is that SCANDAL stay the same! yay!!!
Or I think they get more popular, and their music sounds more mature.
Big hugs for Haruna, Mami, Tomomi and Rina.
Love yaah! continue your music girls.
I really love listening to HARUKA, NAMIDA NO REGRET, PINHEEL SURFER, etc. :DDD

(picture from BABY ACTION cover album)

And, How about Do As Infinity?????
They just doing fine and I heard that they'll release best album this year.
Wish them good luck and also, Ban Chan already has a baby, congrats for her. :D

Okay, its enough for today. My kinda late jpop review ends here. Be happy guys, because tomorrow's tasks and deadlines already waiting for us. huhuhuhu

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