Jumat, 29 September 2017

A New Stage in My Life - Start of Japan Life

Helllo guys, good morning!
It's morning already here, actually I plan to make a post about this earlier, but I got caught up in works and what not soo damn much that I don't even have time to write. It's a lie tho, LOL.

Okaaay, soo I was really busy these past months, after Lebaran holiday. And its because I'm preparing a lot, there's lotsa things to do, arrange and prepare. But wait, what is actually I'm preparing? ( why does it seems that I'm preparing a wedding by the feel of this post. LOL). NO tho!

It just that I'm moving to Japan.
Yep, now I am in Japan.
XD. I actually have a mix feeling about this, kind of happy, excited, nervous, anxious, sad, etc.
But well, since this is a challenge that surely will make me much more developed, I gladly took it when I first offered.

Hmm so, when does this all thing happened on the first thing?
So, this started when two of our department members in my company''s contract in Japan came to an end soon, and due to family situations those 2 members would like to go home (they have enough of Japan work life, perhaps, LOL).
Then, one of my friend was assigned to be the substitute of one of those members. Then, my boss thinking who could be the the replacement of the other one?
Perhaps, I look lonely and desperate (coz I'm still single till now, LOL), my boss offer me to go to Japan, to experience new environment.
Okaaay, I thought that it just somekind of joke, not a serious offer at that. I said that I would love too, without talking to my parents, LOL coz I think it was a joke!.
But then, it turned out to be a serious one.Waht!
And I was suppose to go on May.
OMG, I was told on March if I'm not mistaken, I was taken aback. But well, since I have said that I would to go, and in fact I really want to go, I hurriedly talk to my parents. Gladly, my parents let me to go, but actually I can sense their worried face. But well, every parents surely have same reactions on that kind of situation right?

Okay then, in short, I try to negotiate my boss to let me go in July instead, becoz its frigging a Lebaran holiday in June and my parents will friggin cry if I'm not at home during that time.
So then, after discussion here and there,  my schedule was pushed back to July. Yeay!

I was so sad on my last day at Jakarta office. I cried, but I wasn't showing it.
As well as in airport, I cried when my family went back home, but then I wasn't showing it, coz I don't want them to worry.
I'm okay.

Sooo, I reached Haneda airport safely. Then, I buy limousine bus tickets which would take me to YCAT (Yokohama City Air Terminal). So guys, if you go to Yokohama, its nearer to land in Haneda airport. From Haneda to Yokohama only took me 45 minutes by Limousine bus. The ticket price not more than 1000 yen. Oh ya, when you have purchase the tickets in Haneda airport, you have to go down 1 floor by elevator on the left if you brought heavy and much baggage, or by escalator if you didn't bring much baggage. Then you just have to find Pole no 7. Normally bus to YCAT always at Pole no 7, if you want to confirm, its all in your ticket anyway.
The bus will depart around every 5 minutes. You just have to show your tickets to the person at the Pole. I brought much baggage at that time, and when I was going to put all my baggage into the bus, the person whos at the Pole was helping me, I'm so grateful.

Okay, after 45 minutes by us, I finally arrived at YCAT. Actually YCAT and Yokohama Station is in one place, connected one another. So don't worry if on the bus you hear that it goes to Yokohama Station, actually the same as going to YCAT. I remembered I was a bit panicked at that time thinking that I was aboard the wrong bus. LOL.

So when I arrived at YCAT, I was told to wait at 2nd lobby,but once I went out of the bus, my company staff already there waiting for me. Then she kindly took me to my current apartment by taxi.
And actually, my apartment was only like 10 minutes walking from YCAT/Yokohama station. But since I brought much baggage, we were going by taxi instead of walking.

Okay, after briefing, checking the apartment and what not, she showed me way to the office. And it surprisingly far. LOL. I spent around 30 minutes walking, and it was in the middle of summer, hot as hell. I can imagine myself getting skinny in a few months (but its not happenning tho!).

After that, I just slept.

So maybe the next question is, how about wifi? transportation? food? clothes? language?
Okay, for wifi, there is a wifi in my apartment, so I just need a router. and its all done.
For internet connection when I'm outside, at first I used roaming data for 3 days. After that I bought OCN and subscribed for Data only. LOL, I'm not subscribing the phone and sms service, cause, I don't have anyone who gonna call or text me anyway. Sad.

For transportation, I walked to my office. Actually after I found short-path, it only took me 15 minutes. For train, I bough a PASSMO, kind of transportation card in Japan. There are other transportation card as well like SUICA, and others. But I choose PASSMO, I don't know why, its the same anyway. LOL.

And next is food. Actually I brought bunch of stuff from Indonesia for emergency case, like rice, and its side dishes. So on my first week, I just cook myself and brought lunchbox. But now I'm getting bored so I started to buy mostly on convenience store, mostly I picked veggies & shrimp tempura bento box from Family mart, sometimes went out to eat soba at standing soba which mostly available in Train stations, indian food, etc. Its not that hard actually to find food you can eat.

About clothes, I only bring summery clothes coz I know its still summer in Japan when I arrived. Soo I just brought 3 jackets (which I used when I went to Korea last time). It only can cover the cold in Autumn weather, in winter I have to buy again. sigh. Perhaps I will buy from Uniqlo since Zara is freaking expensive girllll.

For language, I can't speak Japanese! I only know like common phrase like arigatou, sumimasen, itadakimasu, shitsurei shimasu (when you left the office you have to say this phrase to your co worker), otsukare sama deshita (its to reply to someone when they say shitsurei shimasu), onegaishimasu. And I only can read hiragana. LOL. on the street you won't find much hiragana, it's mostly has kanji. So, it doesn't help me much. But well, I can survive anyway, because mostly in Japan there's not much conversation with others going on on your daily life. You can find any instruction, signs, procedure everywhere in a really clear manner that you don't have to ask random person on the street.
I notice only when I bought something in convenience store, you will have conversation. And I can mostly understand what the shop keeper say in convenience store, so it's not a problem at all.
sometimes, I greet and show appreciation to the cleaning lady in my apartment by saying, "ohayou gozaimasu, otsukare sama desu". I would like to talk much in Japanese, but I am still learning, so hopefully I can learn fast. Huhuhuu.
And what about language used in the office. It's all in English, so no probs at all!
but actually sometimes they talk in Japanese, but if it has nothing to do with me (a.k.a my name wasn;t called) I just stay silent.

So then, I think its enough of this pilot post of my life in Japan, I will post more about the places that have visited on my next post.
Well then, see youuu

Rabu, 31 Mei 2017

My Updated Biases List

Good morning guys,
Entah kenapa hari ini terinspirasi untuk post ini. Yeah, my UPDATED biases list, lebih tepatnya kpop biases list.
Yup, aku memang sudah err 25 taun, tapi masih aja ya seneng kpop, susah lepasnya, dulu pas baru masuk kerja sempet tobat deh ya, tapi kumat lagi. Jadi yasudah deh, daripada membohongi diri sendiri, emang masih suka ya gimana lagi yak. Hiks.
Terus eh masa orang kantor kaget gitu ya aku suka kpop, katanya nggak sesuai tampang, lah emang tampang gueeeh gimana, yang suka qasidah gitu? atau dangdut?
plis deh ya

Tapi, satu tips dari saya ya, bagi kalian yang kerjanya berhubungan sama orang Korea aseli, ada baiknya sih tidak terlalu menunjukkan kalau kpop fan ya, wkwkwk karena agak gimana gitu, orang yang udah kerja disono kan nggak terlalu follow idol gitu, takutnya kalian dianggap freak atau groupies atau gimana lah ya. Itu saran aja sih, kalau kalian orangnya cuek sih, sok aja atuh declare, I LOVE DEK JUNGKOOK yang lebih muda 5 taun!! MASALAH buat lo?

Kalo guee sih nggak dulu deh.

Okay back to topic, jadi sebenernya post ini terinspirasi dari post di blog aku yang lama bangeet, taun 2013 kalo nggak salah. Ya ampun taun 2013 si dek Jungkook belum lahir yak (eh, belum debut maksutnya). Kenapa dari dari Jungkook disebut sebut akan gue jelasin di bawah.

Jadi, post lama yang ini nih.

My Biases List

Pas baca itu sekarang tu, ya ampuun,dikit banget. Ini sumpah perlu diupdate banget gilak!.
Dan, beginilah akhirnya, post update an ini pun aku buat,

baiklah, without further ado, mari kita sambut our lucky number 7, one of my bias......

7. B1A4 CNU

CNU dibaca Shinwoo, nama asli Shin Dong Woo

Salah satu dari banyak bias aku yang masih bisa dipanggil oppa (nangis bahagia).
Kenapa dijadiin bias?
Karena kalau pake kacamata ganteng. -__- wkwkwk
iya sumpah kalau pake kacamata ganteng banget ni oppa.
Tingginya proportional banget, my ideal type lah.
Suaranya lumayan, walaupun bukan lead vocal.
Tapi akhir akhir jarang nongol, Jinyoung mulu yang nongol, terus jadi sedikit melipir ke Jinyoung gitu aku sekarang, Maapkan!
But you're still by bias, CNU oppa.

8. BTOB Sungjae

Mungkin saya dibilang mainstream karena bias saya member yang paling famous, tapi tidak saudara saudara. Saya udah suka sama ni adek (sedih, dia bukan oppa), dari awal debut di Insane MV. Kenapa ya saya juga nggak tau sih kenapa bisa suka. Mungkin karena dia maknae? saya mah emang lemah saya yang unyu unyu, apalagi yang unyu unyu terus suaranya bagus.
Jadi pas debut, dia mah nggak terlalu nampak (??) yaa, maksudnya nggak terlalu nongol gitu, tapi emang dia suaranya bagus nomer 3 lah ya. Terus begitu dia maen drama, langsung boom! famous banget brro.
Di Plus Nine Boys, School 2015, terus yang paling baru di Goblin.
Tapi emang harus thumbs up lah buat acting skill si Sungjae ini.
Love you Sungjae ya.

9. GOT7 Jackson

Aduh ini dedek emang 4D banget. Tapi itu yang bikin dia charming sih. Selalu berhasil bikin aku ngakak tiap nonton videonya GOT7. Pertama liat dia di Weekly Idol, terus jadi ketagihan nonton dia, kalau lagi butuh hiburan dan butuh ngakak. Dan berhasillah si Jackson Wang ini masuk ke bias list aku. Yey.

10. BTS Jungkook

It's a crime being this cute, ugh

Okay, mungkin ini bias paling brondong sepanjang karir gueeee sebagai fangirl. Tapi its okay lah.
Dan sekarang lagi sukaaaa banget sama ni bocah! Parah banget sukanya. Mirip lah bapernya pas seneng bang Kyuhyun dulu. Ya Allah, hamba ingin tobat.

Memang sih BTS lagi hitz banget sekarang, apalagi setelah mereka berhasil menggondol Top Social Artist Awards di BBMA. Tapi tapi,. aku sukanya Jungkook pas di I Need You, sumpah itu first love banget. Tapi abis itu lupa. Terus dia nongol lagi di Dope, terus terus.. jadi suka lagi. #fangirlmodeon

Kenapa bisa suka?
Karena dia maknae, dan lead vocal. Alasan tipikal gue banget. LOL
eh tapi dia main dancer juga, bisa rap juga, Golden Maknae! ah gue sukanya parah banget pokoknya, sampe beli CD nya 2 biji (jarang jarang gue beli CD kpop kalo ga seneng beneran lho), terus beli kaos wings tour yang ada namanya JUNGKOOK di depan GEDE! sama beli jaket ARMY yang entah itu original apa gak gue gak peduli. Abis beli,sampe rumah merenung, ini tadi khilaf banget ya. hahah LOL.
Jungkook yang bikin semangat fangirl gue balik lagi. uhuhuhuh. entah harus sedih apa seneng.
Love ya JK.

Sementara segitu dulu ya, sebenernya lagi suka grup yang lain juga sih,macem BLOCK-B, SEVENTEEN, WINNER, tapi berhubung masih belum ada satu makhluk (?) atau individual yang bisa mengalihkan perhatian, jadi belum bisa ditambahin di list ini.

I'll update once there's another bias again

Happy (really) Belated Birthday Kyuhyun Oppa & Goodbye for Now

Good morning,
Sepertinya lama banget nggak update blog,
Daan postingan kali ini terinspirasi dari berita berita yang cukup menghebohkan (nggak sih), tentang my first ever bias! Mr, Mas, Bang, Kyuhyun Oppaaaaangggg.~~~~.

Dia mau wajib militer brrrooohh, udah 29 taun dia nggak kerasa banget. Dan aku juga tambah tua dong. Hiks, jodoh mana jodoh

Dan ada apa lagi gerangan sama Abang satu ini?
Okay, dia baru ulang tahun sih, Eh tapi udah lama sih. 2 February gitu. LOL
Tapi aku telat banget ngucapinnya, maap ye bang, adek lagi fokus ke yang lain, a.k.a JK = dek Jungkook BTS. LOL. Maapkan adek yang nggak setia. -___-

Kemaren sih iseng ngubek ngubek blog sendiri, dan ternyata, tiap tahun aku ngucapin loh. Mulai taun 2010 sampai 2014 doang sih. Soalnya begitu kerja, karir per-fangirlan gue mulai meredup gitu (??).
Kalau baca postingan blog tiap tahun pas si oppa ini ulang tahun jadi  malu sendiri tau, hahaha ternyata sebegitu bapernya eike sama si oppa. LOL

Coba deh liat post ini nih, oh my Gawttt, malu maluin. hahhahah tapi neverthless gak akan aku apus sih, karena itu juga bagian dari pendewasaan diri, (huh?)

Happy Birthday Kyuhyun 2010
Happy Birthday Kyuhyun 2011
Happy Birthday Kyuhyun 2012
Happy Birthday Kyuhyun 2013

Dan bulan february kemarin si Oppa genap (atau ganjil?) berusia 29 taun international age, atau 30 taun Korean age, dan artinya si Oppa udah harus wajib militer. Hiks.

Happy birthday Kyuhyun oppa, you will always be my first love and first bias of kpop universe.
Maapkan karena sekarang udah banyak dedek dedek gemes yang lebih gemes dari Oppa (eh??) lol, jadi aku juga nggak bisa setia gitu sama Oppa (hoeeekkk). LOL
Semoga nanti pas Kyuhyun discharge, aku udah married yak. -__-" amiiin.

It's okay Kyu, you're still handsome

Oh ya, sebelum berangkat wamil Kyuhyun sempet ngadain fanmeeting dan rilis mini album, lagunya enak, ballad gitu, suara dia emang cocok banget buat nyanyi ballad,
Check MV nya di bawah yaa.

Goodbye for now Kyuhyun oppa, hope you will always be happy, healthy and comeback safely.
I promise to get married before you discharged.

Sabtu, 11 Februari 2017

My Travel Journal : KOREA , Yes it is!! Part 2

Helloooo guys, it's been so long since I last updating my blog, So sorry for that. Nowadays, my work is extra stressful, so many problems which need to be handled, or else someone will kill me. T_T

Okay, so I would like to continue my Travel Journal, the Korea one. LOL hopefully I still remember what I would like to tell you in 2nd part.
Actually I want to try writing new contents, like unboxing kpop CDs, or K-beauty products which I currently like, or whatever. But I need to finished this travel journal first.

Okay then, let's get right into it.

Day-3 (11 October 2016)

Soooo, my 2nd parts starts when I checked out of MVL Hotel in Goyang. At that time, I leave Myeondong at 10 AM, and since from Seoul to my hotel takes around 45 minutes by subway + 30 minutes walking, I arrived at hotel exactly at 12 AM. Omigosh, I was so out of breath at that time, and my vendor already at the lobby waiting for us. LOL. Actually he would like to help us for the transportation from MVL Hotel to Bus Station, since we need to change hotel to Cheongju of Chungbuk-do which takes around 3 hours.Fortunately I was so prepared, I already packed my belongings so I just need to go upstairs to my room, picked up my luggages and checked out.

Checked out went smoothly, then my vendor drove us to Goyang Express Bus Terminal (i think? LOL). I was so thankful that my vendor drove us there and help us buying the tickets. Since all direction was in Hangul. T_T

Then, we got the tickets. It cost around  11,700 KRW. Kind of expensive. However considering that the bus was so on time, and what surprised me was.... the seat was very comfortable. Executive class ordinary bus usually have 4 seats, but this express bus was only 3 seats in a row. Wow, so I was able to move around, and sleeping soundly. LOL. It's so worthy of the price. And inside the bus there's only one staff which is the driver himself, and he didn't even check the ticket. So different from here. hahah.

Sorry if I didn't have any photos, since I was so tired and worn out from running and walking from early morning. So I just sleep till we reached Cheongju Express Bus Terminal.

Then, we took a taxi from Cheongju Terminal to Gee Hotel at Ochang, near our vendor's factory.
I link down below if you interested in Gee Hotel


Once arriving, I just unpacked and arranged my luggage and sleep.

Day-4 (12 October 2016)

On this day, I just had meetings, tough one. 

Day-5 (13 Otober 2016)

Meeting again.
Okay, so on this day, I was having meeting and finished everything at around 5 PM KST. Then we went to Incheon by taxi, and check in at different hotel. 
I was so surprised to found out that the hotel was so.... errmmmm.. kind of not suit for business trip I guessed. I don't know why our admin choose this hotel. IBIS was soo soo much better than this hotel. The staff can't speak English, I was just WTF, and they didn't even gave me proper receipt. -___-.  The surrounding was so weird, kind of red district area? OMG even my friend told me that they saw some gang fights or something. He said that he saw a fight like in Korean Dramas, like some oppas wearing white and black suits and went fighting each other. I just went LOL, WTH is this.

Errr I don't want to mention the hotel name anyway, I don't want to get sued. LOL 

Why my company treat me this way. -___-. Kind of dissappointed, but well, I try to understand that the admin don't know the hotel well before reserving or whatever.

Okaaaayyy, sooo.. next day I woke up really early again, because... my friend ask me to accompany him to buy some stuff, souvenirs or something for his family. Nonetheless, we plan to go to Myeongdong (again for me), and Namdaemun market since I knew that we can take a walk from Namdaemun to Myeongdong.

Day-5 (13 Otober 2016)

At day-5, my friend and I was checking out so early, after Subuh praying we already packed our luggage and ready at hotel lobby. Well we can't even properly saying it's lobby, it's just kind of receptionist place. LOL I'm so done with dis!

And like I said, I was so pissed-off because I can't receive proper receipt for my liquidation report. -__-

Whatever. We just let it all go.

Then we walked to Unseo Station which was really near from the hotel (one good thing). We ride AREX (Airport Express) to Seoul Station. We plan to put our luggage at locker which was available at some stations, including Seoul. But do take note that the locker rental price is different each station. Ganghwamun Station was so much cheaper than Seoul station. And the difference is kind of huge. Ganghwamun around 1000 KRW and Seoul was 4000 KRW per 2 hours or something?, I forgot.

After putting all our luggage except our small bags to carry some money of course, we take subway line 4 (blue one) to Hoehyeon Station. This station is in Namdaemun Market, and it's only one station away from Seoul station.

Oh, fortunately I took picture of our luggage location before leaving, since I anticipate that there are so many lockers in Seoul location, and it will be big problem if we can not find our lockers. Please take surrounding picture, if you leave your luggage at lockers, in case you forget the location. 

Here are some pictures I took at Seoul Station, not good one since I was so in a hurry and hectic!

I choose the biggest locker, and it fits my suitcase perfectly

Do take picture of surrounding, in case you forgot the location

Okay so, after this that, asking the information center guy this and that, we managed to get off Hoehyeon station.

I forgot we got off at which exit, but don't worry, there always signs, this exit goes to where and else. So we finally arrived at Namdaemun Market.

First off, I bought some stuff as souvenirs, like chopsticks, spoon, keychains, etc. And my friend bought children hanbok for his kids. At Namdaemun, you have to bargain! or else you won't get good price. For reference they open price for children hanbok at 40,000 KRW? or 30,000 something KRW but we managed to bargain to 20,000 KRW. LOL

And I was tempted to buy some ginseng, but it's so dang expensive. I tried some honey citron tea, and it was so good. But it kind of heavy since it's packed in a jar, so I was reluctant to buy.

Here some pictures we took at Namdaemun

After finishing up our shopping activities, we walked over to Myeongdong.
And I have to guide friend since he didn't have any clue of Korean beauty products which his wife asked him to buy. LOLLL

Basically we bought some cute socks which is only 1000 KRW, and the socks were soooo cuteeeeeeeeeee!!! I recommend you buy it as souvenirs, since it's so cheap! LOL.

And we just visited some shops, like moonshot, kind of expensive, and I was so intimidated with the decoration of all black thing. hahahah. But I love the store.

 And we checked out MISSHA, not buying anything tho.

And the final destination was Olive Young which carry a lot of brands including Son n Park, etc etc.
We can find lots products here.

After done shopping some beauty stuff at Myeongdong, we were rushing to reach Myeongdong station and went to Seoul station to pick up our luggage, since it's already 11 AM, and it takes around 45 minutes from Seoul station to Incheon airport, while my flight is at 3 PM. OMG!


when we were at Myeongdong station, I spotted some KPOP thingies store at the underground shopping center, and my friend spotted some cool clothes there too.
And we just so engrossed in shopping ( I was buying 3 KPOP CDs at once, LOL), till we realized that it's already 12 PM!.
Omigosh, we run for our life (literally) to catch the train back to Seoul station, thankfully we managed to reach within short time.


We forgot which location our locker was!
I have the location photo but we forgot which level it was.
That's so clumsy of us.
And I don't know why when we tap in our transportation card was rejected, a kind Korean woman was helping me, that was so nice of her, and after asking some of the staff, we managed to find the locker. Gosh!

My luggage was so full, I have to squeeze this that, here and there to make space for my Kpop CDs, and other thing I bought at Namdaemun.

After running (again) to catch AREX to Incheon Airport, we managed to reach there at 2 PM. and we have to find our check in place, and the Airport is so huge. But fortunately we were able to find the place. 

Again, we have to run to the gate, when we reached the gate, it's already boarding time. With short breath and sweat, we safely board the plane. LOL
So intense!

I have not even eat anything nor drink one drops of water since morning and have to run around like that!
I'm so done with dis!

Anyway, I keep asking Korean Air stewardess some water. hahahahah

Oh yea, if you choose Korean Air, you can request Halal food beforehand, they gladly provide it.

And that is the end of my Travel Journal to Korea.
I really wish to go back there, just for Holiday and enjoy Korea properly.
And I really really would like to try KPOP sightseeing, visiting SM, YG, and other agencies building. Kind of fun!

But for now, let's just work hard, pray, and later we can play as hard too!

Okay, that's all for today
Thank you, and anyyeoooong!
Images by Freepik