Minggu, 06 November 2016

My Travel Journal : KOREA , Yes it is!! Part 1

I've been wondering, and pondering about whether I should write this post or not, But, I came to conclusion that, I have to write it! while I can, while I still remember.
I'm feeling so lucky, that I had the chance to visit the country of my dreams. XD. Eventhough it's for business trip, but still, I got to go there is like a miracle. XDD

Okay, so actually I went to Korea for business trip on 09 October 2016, for around 1 Weeks. Please note that I wasn't taking holiday, I went there to work! (but well perhaps, I steal sometime to relax and strolling around also, :P please don't tell my boss,LOL).

Actually this is not my first overseas business trip. I also went to India last time, like 3 months ago or something, I kind of forget. I'm planning to write my travel journal to India in separate post (if I don't feel like lazy or demotivated all over again, lol). So actually my boss was plotting me to attend some kind of meeting with our vendor in Korea. He told me like around only 1 and half months before if I'm not mistaken, At that time, I was told that its only takes 3 days, since the meeting itself is only 1 whole day. But suddenly, I was also assign to attend another meeting, for another equipment which I don't know at all. I was taken aback, but I gladly accept the challenge, since I got to stay longer. LOL. But, I have to study harder, I never handle that kind of rotating equipment.

And the day has comes......

After the hectic days of preparing the visa, itinerary, coordinate with my vendors, and etc etc.
I leave for Korea on 8th October night, with economy seat planes, well I'm still kind still of low echelon employee so business class is a no no for me. hahaahah, but the plane is actually the best class in their league, thus even economy class is still OK. I spent time by sleeping, cause the turbulence is really bad. But thankfully, I arrived at Incheon safely.

Day-1 (9 October 2016)

Arriving at Incheon Airport around 08:00, and there, my vendor already standby and pick us up. From Incheon we go to Gimpo City, since the vendor's factory is in Gimpo, so I have to stay at Gimpo.

At Gimpo, I stayed at The MVL Hotel Goyang, around KINTEX area. I will link down below, if you would like to find out more about it. The hotel is very nice, kind of luxurious I think?. But still behind Hilton and Le Meridien ? eh I don't know much actually. But it's very nice staying there, except that I didn't get to eat anything besides herb tea, eventhough all the foods seems delicious.
And the hotel is near some kind of water theme park or something, and Hyundai Department Store, Subway Station (30 minutes walking), and express bus to Incheon is just right in the corner.


Fortunately, my vendor was very nice, he offer me to visit Seoul. Hahaha, I was screaming happily inside. Okay, then after checking in and talking bout some business, etc etc, we leave for Seoul. The weather is already so chilly although it was just the starting of fall. But I can not stand it without my jacket. Fortunately, the seat in the car was warm. Hahaha thanks for the oh so considerate action. :D

From Gimpo to Seoul takes 1 hour by car. Soo far, but if we go by subway, it's actually takes more than an hour includes the 30 minutes walk to the station.

I recognize some place when we enter Seoul, like Yonsei Univ, Ewha Woman Univ, and I saw some sing to SOPA (Seoul of Performing Arts High School)? or maybe my eyes were deceiving me.
And I also got to take a glimpse of Cheonghwade (The Blue House) with so many bodyguards wearing black suits. It kind of remind of me of The K2 drama. LOL

Then, we park the car at National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul. It's near Gyeongbokgung and Samcheongdong Area.


From there we were just strolling aroung Samcheongdong and Insadong, but before we were taken to some place to eat traditional Korean dishes. I asked for the vegetarian one of course. :D
I got to buy some cute souvenirs, visiting Innisfree shop to buy some skincare & cosmetics LOL, and my vendor is so soo nice to register as membership to get me some additional discount eventhough he didn't use Innisfree. So thank youu. :D

And I just realize that all shops in this area is written in hangul. That's why I can not recognize some familiar shops, like starbucks even. LOL.

And some people wearing hanbok, and it looks so pretty. I heard that if you wear hanbok, then you got to get in Gyeongbokgung for free. Hmm I should try it next time. :D

Take a glimpse of Insadong down below, sorry for not so HQ photos, I'm bad at taking photos while walking.

Then, before the sun setting, we already leave for Gimpo, to rest since tomorrow we will have a tough meeting.

And that concludes my day-1 in Korea (9 October), and actually the next day is just meeting at my vendor factory, from early in the morning till late at night. So we can just skip to day-3.

Day-3 (11 October 2016)

And the adventure begins.... (OMG so cringe, LOL)

After getting a kind of good but not too long rest, I went to Seoul again. I leave so early in the morning, after Subuh praying eventhough I'm not praying at that time. LOL
We are walking to the nearest station which takes aroung 30 minutes walk from our hotel. And OMG, the weather is so cold and chilly, I decide to put on my coat instead of just jacket. Thankfully I bring one. ~.~

The nearest station was Juyeop station, pardon my face below, I was tired after walking like 30 minutes in so chilly weather. Actually the bus to subway station already operated, but we didn't know which bus to take (all written in hangul and we don't want to take a risk of getting lost!)

Juyeop station is only 1 station away from Daehwa Station which is the starting station for Subway Line 3 (Orange color). Well I know this because of the Seoul tourist guide booklet which my friends gave me. So thank you for the complete guide, really comes in handy for a country bumpkin like meh. LOL.

Then we got off at Gyeongbokgung station after 45 minutes inside a packed train. -_- we choose wrong time, since at that time people started commuting to Seoul to work.

Inside Gyeongbokgung station.

And.... when we arrived at Gyeongbokgung, the ticket counter was not yet opened. OMG. They will just open at 09.00, however we have to go back to Gimpo at 10.00, since we have to check out before 12.00. With a heavy heart, I just took photo around Gyeongbokgung palace without even got to go inside. T__T

And after taking photos and selfies and whatever, we exit the palace to the left (LOL I don't know how to describe). We went out to Gwanghwamun square. And sadly again, I think there will be some event in Ganghwamun squre, thus there were some tents, and other equipment surrounding the King Sejong Monument, so I can not take a photo there. T_____T

Okay move on, we just takes a walk and walk and walk, till we reached Cheonggyechon stream, I guess. I recognize this place as SNSD and SJ MV (SEOUL song) was filmed there?
It's a really nice place to take a walk, enjoy the morning air and... of course taking photos.

And then we go to... the dreamland and heaven of K-beauty lover... Myeongdong.
I visit so many stores here, and taking photos here and there. heheheh.

The first one is Innisfree, since I really love their products, and the store design is sooo earthy, natural, but cute at the same time.
There are soo many Innisfree store in Myeongdong, I went to the one near main street, eh I don't remember where it is. LOL

The next one is ARITAUM, well ARITAUM is everywhere in Korea. ARITAUM carries other brand also such as Laneige, Mamonde, etc etc

The next one is ALAND, It actually a fashion store, but it also carries COSRX, which really is a HYPE now. But well, sadly it still closed. T___T

The next oh so cute store is Stylenanda which is a fashion store also, but carries brand 3 Concept Eyes.
The design of this store is soooo cute, kind of like a hotel. but sadly again, I don't have time to explore inside. T__T

And, the next store is really eye catching, I guess you know what this store is.
its the undeniably nature, Nature Republic.

Sorry for bad photos.
the store is covered with greeny thing! OMG so fresh.

When strolling around Myeongdong, please be alert of time!. Because I did not realize that it's 10 AM already, so we have to run to Myeongdong station to catch the train back to Gimpo.

We have to stop at Chungmuro station to transfer to Line 3, back to Juyeop Station, then back at MVL Hotel to check out.

Guess this ends Part 1 of my Korea Travel Journal.

Next, there will be a more fun and thrilling (???) events, since after Gimpo, I have to move to Cheongju of Cheongbuk-do, and almost losing my baggage at Seoul Station because of my clumsiness. LOL

Bonus: I got a bunch of samples, even though I didn't buy much, Sooo thank youuu

See you in Part 2. I still don't know when will I post it though.LOL


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