Minggu, 15 September 2013

I was once a......

Okay, so I'm "galau" enough to post this. heheh. I dont know what's into my mind, but I start worrying about my future. What will my future be? What will I do in the future, what should I do to make ends meet in the future and blah blah blah. Really, I start worrying a lot about it. Well, since it's already my 7th semester of college, my parents asks what job I'll choose, where I'll work and so on, and it drives me crazy! crazy enough to write this full of blah blah blah post. LOL if you wanna LOL. XD

I was once a.... what? wait, exactly what I was back then? haha, it's getting hard to remember my past. Well, let's start with high school era.

My high school era was so so. Cause I'm a so so girl to begin with, but surely I was good with my grades, though not first place in my class. LOL but I still got in to parallel ranking. And what about activities, I definitely had some but I can't remember anything besides English Club. Hey, I was once a debater!! Real debater! though I wasn't that good back then. I always fail on every debate competition I joined. LOL but no matter, I enjoyed meeting new friends and new environment each time I went on competition. Wait, I'm not trying to brag or anything, it's just so fun writing about my past like this. :D. Okay, back to my "debater" era. Back then, I wasn't going to many competition, just local ones. And in fact I wasnt really good, and well I did realize it. So I quit now. Haha I stop my debater era since third grade of high school. Simple, cause I realize I'm not that good in it, so I quit. What a simple minded girl I am. Well, It's not that simple actually. There was a reason behind it. The reason is the same when I decided to quit that "math olimpiad" thing. I'm afraid to hurt myself when I really struggling hard and the result is not as I expected. Silly thinking, I know. And I realize it now. I started to regret it. But well, things that already left behind shouldn't come forward now, I should forget and move on. :D

Move on to what? nothing. I'm back being a so so girl now. I'm not special. I can't find what can makes me special.

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