Sabtu, 23 Mei 2015


I know why I don't have someone special until now.

I'm afraid of letting someone in to my heart

I'm afraid of letting my heart in such defenseless state.

I'm afraid of getting hurt

That's why, I'm guarding my heart perfectly

And it means, I don't let myself fall in love.

Soooo.. that's it.


Uh uh, lumayan ituh dibikin foreword fanfic, LOL

2 komentar:

  1. nulis ini dalam rangka apa, neng? keinget mantan calon? terjebak nostalgila? eh? hahaha. Getting hurt sekali sekali mah masi okay kok, darl :)

  2. keinget masa depan. ahahahah. so scary tuu, when you let someone have ur heart but he doesnt take care of it well


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