Selasa, 26 Mei 2015

[MOVIE REVIEW?] Parasyte Part 1


Wah, rajin banget ya saya ngepost. haha. Iya nih, lagi diniatin rajin ngepost review movie terutama live action yang baru ditonton. Dan korban kali ini adalah, Parasyte.

Sebenernya saya agak bingung dengan judul live action movie ini. Parasyte doang? Atau Parasyte : Kiseijuu Sei No Kakuritsu seperti judul animenya? entahlah, silakan dicari sendiri. haha digampar readers beneran nih.

Yasudahlah, lebih baik langsung ke pokok pembahasan aja ya.
Pasti heran kenapa live action ini penting banget buat direview? Penasaran kan? iya kan? iih kasi tau nggak ya? *digemplang teplon. Sebenernya nggak penting penting banget sih, nggak direview juga nggak apa apa. Cuman, kasian aja mas Sometani Shota kan jadi main protagonist nih, masa tega sih nggak direview? (-___-).
Yup, main protagonist di movie kali ini adalah.. Sometani Shota, yang gosipnya dalam waktu dekat ini mau nikah, ehem ciyeee (gue kapan nih? hiks).

Baiklah daripada ngelantur dan meratapi nasib kenapa Sometani Shota nikah duluan daripada saya (eh?), mending disimak dulu basic info dari movie ini. Seperti biasa, sumbernya adalah AsianWiki.

Parasyte Part 1

Movie: Parasyte Part 1
Romaji: Kiseiju
Japanese: 寄生獣
Director: Takashi Yamazaki
Writer: Hitoshi Iwaaki (manga), Ryota Kosawa
World Premiere: October 30, 2014 (Tokyo IFF)
Release Date: November 29, 2014
Runtime: 109 min.
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan


Mysterious worm-like aliens fall from the sky. They penetrate through the ears or nose into human beings and live off their brain while dominating the body. Now with human appearance, the parasites live among humans.
Shinichi Izumi (Shota Sometani) is an ordinary high school student. His best friend is Satomi Murano (Ai Hashimoto). One day, Shinichi Izumi is attacked by a parasite, but he is able to fight off the parasite before it takes over his brain. The parasite though lives within his right hand. Shinichi Izumi and the parasite now live together. Shinichi believes the parasites are responsible for countless murders all around the world and he feels responsible, because he knows the truth.
Meanwhile, Ryoko Tamiya (Eri Fukatsu) is a teacher that starts her new post at the same high school where Shinichi attends. She has been taken over by a parasite and comes to observe Shinichi.


1. Based on the manga series "Kiseiju" by Hitoshi Iwaaki (published from 1990 to 1995 by Kodansha's Afternoon magazine).
2. Filming began January, 2014 and finished 5 months later.
3. Related titles:
1. Parasyte Part 1 | Kiseiju (2014)
2. Parasyte Part 2 | Kiseiju Kanketsu Hen (2015)


Shota Sometani as Shinichi Izumi
Eri Fukatsu as Ryoko Tamiya
Sadao Abe as Migi
Ai Hashimoto as Satomi Murano
Masahiro Higashide as Hideo Shimada
Nao Omori as Kuramori
Kazuki Kitamura as Tsuyoshi Hirokawa
Pierre Taki as Miki
Hirofumi Arai as Uragami
Jun Kunimura as Lieutenant Hirama
Kimiko Yo as Nobuko Izumi
Tadanobu Asano as Goto

Setelah nonton movie ini, saya agak merinding disko juga. Yah, mirip mirip lah rasanya seperti nonton Kamisama no Iutoori. Puyeng juga liat darah muncrat, kepala putus, badan sama kaki putus, orang makan orang (eh maksudnya parasyte yang jadi orang makan orang. Duh belibet). Nah dari sini saya simpulkan kalau CG dan efeknya bagus banget. Yah untuk standar saya sih. Kalau standar mereka yang perfeksionis sih mungkin ada cela sana sini ya. Untuk plotnya, mungkin 80% an mirip dengan animenya, tapi nggak tau juga sih. Saya baru nonton animenya sampai episode 20. Tapi memang bagian awal movie ini sekitar 80% sama dengan animenya. Terus, kalau aktingnya mas Sometani Shota sih bagus! Apik! Tapi entah kenapa saya kok kurang sreg sama aktingnya Ai Hashimoto ya, kurang greget. (heleh). Hahaha ampuun fansnya Ai Hashimoto, saya suka dia di Another live action kok. Eh iya, si Kana Kimishima kok nggak nongol ya? apa di part 2 nya ya? hmm entahlah. Penasaran juga siapa yang bakal jadi Kana, yah itu kalau ada sih. Okay, overall this movie is worth to watch, and I can't wait for the 2nd part. Semoga DVD bluraynya segera keluar.

At last, here is the screen caps I made, thus I warn you, these caps CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS
what are you thinking, Shinichi?

Brrrr, try to imagine when it's happen to you. your husband's head...uh errrr "bloom"?

Migi, the right hand

Tamiya Ryouko, please smile a little, Miss

I'm really sad when this sweet mom died

evil smirk, but he's kakkoi actually

Ai Hashimoto, I take this photo from since I failed to caps her scene, sorry

Okaaay, udahan dulu ya segini aja, see you on my next post.
have a great day ahead!
love love and thanks much much!

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